
Hello, my name is Fiona although people tend to call me Fe. I’m now in my mid 40s and I’m finally proud to call myself a witch. The traditional kind. You know the one. The one who lives in a beautiful cottage in the middle of the enchanted woods surrounded by wild animals and faeries and with a little garden full of herbs, mushrooms and flowers. I wish. In fact, I live on the edge of a very busy city in Yorkshire with my husband and our adopted cat Harvey.

I identify as a traditional green witch. I’m still growing and constantly learning, as most of us probably are, and I have an affinity for nature and music.

I started Witchcore as a way to connect with other witches and spiritual people. Even though I’ve dipped in and out of the path since my teens, it wasn’t until I met someone last year who ‘unlocked’ me. It’s always been in me, but I wasn’t ready to embrace who I really was. I was blinkered by societal demands. Now I am ready and I want to connect with my people.

I had a previous venture making and selling letterbox gifts to cheer people up. I loved it but it didn’t make my heart sing like Witchcore does. I want to create and provide all the tools necessary for our very varied and colourful paths. I love crafting and creating sacred spaces in my own home so sharing some of these things with you is definitely part of my calling. So, I hope the witchy treasures and gifts will add a touch of enchantment and magic to your home or sacred space.